by Alana Tukuniu

My name is Alana Tukuniu, and I reside on Niue. I am a Crop Research Trainee in the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, this is not just my employment it is my passion. I didn’t always like growing crops, and often baulked at my father who, liked to grow his own vegetables. My attitude shifted once I connected farming with the environment and how they could positively support each other. I currently grow my own crops, some of which I sell, at my own plantation and keep a small flock of chickens at home. My partner also raises puaka for a mixture of cultural ceremonies, income generation and home consumption. I am constantly learning about farming, and love the sight of crops growing healthily, and collecting eggs from my chickens each morning. My passion for agriculture continues to strengthen as I constantly see the benefits that are derived from it.
by Dipo Awojide

In this this essay I will be talking about my experience at university and what I have learned. By reflecting on my past at university it will improve my understanding of myself. I will learn what my weakness, strengths and how to improve them.
by Laxmi Dulal

What is struggle? It can be any kind of difficulty that people go through to achieve their goals. In fact, sometimes we cannot achieve our goals without struggle. As Fredrick, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress” For example, I have struggled with many obstacles related to migration and through that struggle I have achieved a lot.
by Peter Spearritt

Heritage is a relatively new, catch-all term that in recent times has encompassed both the built and the natural world. The word has gained wide international acceptance and usage since 1972, when UNESCO created the World Cultural and Natural Heritage Convention, which Australia signed in 1974. For some decades now more and more countries have vied with each other to get their built and natural heritage sites on the World Heritage List. But in another sense, there is nothing new about heritage, not least because almost everything designated to have heritage value is older than the present, from rock art and stone churches to the Great Barrier Reef. And while the European occupation of Australia might be just a tad over 220 years old, archaeologists and anthropologists date indigenous settlement back over forty thousand years.
by Michelle Sing

Grey’s Anatomy is an ABC drama television series based around the lives of Meredith, Cristina, Dereck, Izzie, Preston and Georgie who are the residents, interns, doctors and mentors in the fictional Seattle hospital Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital. The setting is primarily in the hospital and sometimes in the character’s homes. The show is based on the character’s lives as medical professionals and their troubles in relationships. The particular episode I watched is called “Who’s Zoomin’ Who?” This is the last episode of the first season which I chose to watch because it had such a high viewer rating. This episode is about several of the interns dealing with secrets. Meredith is hiding the whereabouts of her mother from her boyfriend Dereck, Cristina is trying to hide her pregnancy from her boyfriend Preston, and Georgie is trying to keep the fact that he has syphilis secret. The hospital staff deals with an STD breakout and Meredith discovers Dereck is still married by the end of the episode.
by Pat Doe

In the last 20 years, rates of divorce have risen significantly in Western countries. Critically analyse some of the different explanations given for this phenomenon. In your discussion, you should consider what implications these explanations might have for social policy.